Hi all
I have solved the last issue with client object. And here is the
new one again... It timed out in this function call:
instance = nt.servers.create( "coreos_%s" % args.cluster_name,
args.image_id, args.flavor_id, min_count=n, max_count=n,
security_groups=["default", "coreos"],
userdata=open('cloud-config_%s.yaml' % public, 'r'),
key_name=args.ssh_key_name, nics=[{"net-id": args.net_id}] )
What I can think of is the key does not match but I guess there
should be a corresponding error message indicating the wrong key. I
tried to extract the ndsisl.pub from both my own
service_test_key_zeo.pem and nds.pem which Kacper gave me but they
did not work.
Here are the full error message and all my env variables. Thanks.
Lengyues-MacBook-Air:~ LY$ python startup_ndslabs.py ...