Announcing improvements to how NDS Labs Environments are launched and managed

Now easier than ever to start and use NDS Labs Environments!

I am happy to announce the completion of a series of changes that makes it significantly easier for anyone to create and use their own NDS Labs Environment. The new step-by-step instructions can be found here (and copied inline below for your convenience):

This information will be incorporated in a more formal way with the existing documentation later, but I wanted to get this out to everyone quickly to get some early feedback.

We are also working on a web interface that will further simplify the process.

Please let me know of any questions, problems, concerns.

Thank you.

- Mike


This document describes the steps needed to start up a new NDS Labs Environment.


* The defaults are set to work on the NCSA VLAD OpenStack cluster.

* All of these steps should be performed from a shell on the node.  This is not a requirement,
  but does make some things a bit more convenient.


* OpenStack credentials (userid and password)


1.  Generate new key pair (or use an existing one if you prefer)


2.  Start an ssh agent and load the key

    eval $(ssh-agent -s)

3.  Clone the nds-labs source code repository

    hg clone
    cd nds-labs

4.  Update OS_USERNAME in script


5.  Copy your public key created in Step 1 to

    cp ~/.ssh/

    This is the key that will be dropped into the authorized_keys files.

6.  Review and update as desired the values in the script

    Note: The "--name" parameter should definitely be changed to something
          uniquely identifiable, such as your username.

7.  Execute the startup script


    You will be asked for your OpenStack password.  This is your NCSA
    Kerberos password if you are on the VLAD system.

8.  Check for the existence of the fleetctl binary.  If "which fleetctl"
    comes up empty, just copy the binary (the single file) from any other
    machine to _this_ machine.

    scp wherever:/usr/bin/fleetctl ~/
    alias fleetctl='~/fleetctl'        <-- optional, but convenient

9.  Edit and set the FLEETCTL_TUNNEL to the public IP address
    assigned by the startup script in Step 7.


10. Source to set the FLEETCTL environment variables.


11. Launch the master service.  This starts various services inside the
    NDS Labs Environment to bring it to a fully functional state.

    fleetctl start master.service
    fleetctl status master.service

12. Your NDS Labs Environment is now up and running.

    You can ssh to any of your OpenStack instances:
    fleetctl list-machines
    fleetctl ssh <machine-id>

    You can see the status of all the services in your environment:
    fleetctl list-units

You can ssh into the master service:
ssh -p 80 root@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <-- the public IP address that was assigned

    You can start and stop additional services as desired, from either your
    local machine or from the NDS Labs master service.  For example,

    fleetctl start rstudio.service


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