Re: Changing way to invoke novaclient api in nds-webservice rest api

It seems like there are no suspend and resume instance api in pkgcloud.Â

On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 4:08 PM, Lengyue Chen <lchen95@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Here is the document of novaclient REST api:

Here is a reference of how to invoke novaclient api in pckcloud:

On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 3:57 PM, Lengyue Chen <lchen95@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all

We are going to change the way to invoke novaclient api in nds-webservice rest api and we need to talk about which one is better.Â

I have found three ways to invoke novaclient api. The first one is to put all open stack management logics (create, suspend, resume,destroy lab) into a python script and execute that script in node.js and it is the way we are currently deploying. The second one is to invoke the novaclient REST api via jQuery call in node.js. The third one is to using a node.js SDK called pkgcloud to invoke the Ânovaclient api.

I am kinda confused about what we are seeking for in the new method. I am currently working on adding more error catching logics to improve the robustness of the current method (using the python script) and I do want to hear from you guys, since you all have more experiences than me, to decide which method we want to switch to.

Zeo  Â

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