Production OpenStack Cluster at NCSA (nebula)

A question came up today at the NDS developers meeting about the version of OpenStack being installed on the new production cluster at NCSA. The answer is Kilo.

The current status of this OpenStack cluster (called nebula) is that it is going into friendly-user mode, to be followed by a brief outage, then entering stable operations.

The NCSA team supporting nebula is requesting that we provide them with a list of users who will need access to nebula. I will make sure that everyone who has access to the VLAD system will also have access to nebula. I think this will cover our immediate needs, but if not, please let me know.

Some additional details:

... the goal of this initial build of
the openstack system, is to verify the changes to the newest OS and
openstack versions. We would like to test and understand the
limitations of the base system OSes and the Kilo version of Openstack.
Currently the system will have 200 compute cores and 180 TB of Cinder
based storage. This is not the final size, but is the test âfriendlyâ
user mode we are aiming for at this time. We expect that as we test
this setup we will learn where we have limitations in the system. From
these test we expect to take a downtime in late Aug to rebuild and
verify the any changes we plan to make to the Openstack system. After
this downtime the cluster will stay in its current version for at least
1 year without updates. Our goal is a consistent and permanent option
for cloud computing. We are currently planning for the rebuild on the
week of Aug 18th , however we can adjust that schedule if we donât have
enough information from the users by that time.

- Mike

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